< Topic >Divestiture and the movement which are in the midst of sauna bathing the hem part of sauna jacket arrival by aperture are designated as possible ones, furthermore space saving of the installation features and simplification and light weight conversion of the sauna device itself are assured. SolutionsTo consist sauna jacket arrival and the warm air generator, the said sauna jacket arrival from the neck opening applying on the hem part opening and expanding in the end extent condition as it communicates, from neck of the human body possessing the fixed opening space, to form the fuselage section between to the rear end gluteal areas in enclosing possible form, to have the open-necked telescoping member which adjusts the open state of the said neck opening for the front of the neck opening, to form the laying section which holds down the burring state of the said hem part opening in the front and the rear of the hem part opening, in both sides of the lower part of the front bodiceThe wrist of the user the Interpolation the Interpolation which passes forms the pocket opening, as the blast hose concatenated opening section where the lower part of the side bodice the blast hose of the warm air generator is concatenated on the one hand is provided, the means which concatenate the exhaust air hose which can adjust the direction of the exhaust air opening unrestrictedly are taken inside the said blast hose concatenated opening section. < Choice figure >Drawing 1【課題】サウナジャケット着の裾部を開口することによってサウナ入浴中の脱衣や移動を可能なものとし、さらに設置場所の省スペース化と、サウナ装置本体の簡素化ならびに軽量化を図る。【解決手段】サウナジャケット着と温風発生装置で構成し、該サウナジャケット着は首部開口部から裾部開口部にかけて末広がり状に拡張して連通すると共に、人体の首部から尻臀部までの間の胴体部を一定の隙間空間を有して収納可能な形状に形成し、首部開口部の前方には該首部開口部の開放状態を調節する開襟調節具を備え、裾部開口部の前方ならびに後方には該裾部開口部の捲れ状態を押さえ込む敷設部を形成し、前身頃の下方の両脇には使用者の手首が挿通される挿通ポケット口を形成し、側身頃の下方の一方には温風発生装置の送風ホースが連結される送風ホース連結口部を設けると共に、該送風ホース連結口部の内側には排風口の向きを自在に調節できる排風ホースを連結する手段を採る。【選択図】図1