The invention relates to an apparatus and a process for remote processing of therapeutic products. According to the invention, the apparatus comprises a microcomputer connected to the Internet by a router and, by a local network, to a tablet or a phone capable to monitor and control the processing of therapeutic products, using a computer program uploading a file containing substance processing data which are processed by the computer program and then transmitted via a I2C bus towards some slave modules containing a number of 16 12-bit registers addressable with address bits, the data of each register controlling a generator of PWM signals by means of which some therapeutic product processing modules are controlled, said modules containing cartridges with substances in known concentrations, arranged in the order set by the cartridge code. The claimed process consists in processing the data of a file which is received via Internet by a microcomputer and which contains data for processing therapeutic products and for administering the same depending on a patients personal data, diagnostic, tests results, history, disease evolution, the therapeutic product being obtained by using some substance dosing modules controlled by the microcomputer, where the final product can be administered immediately.Invenţia se referă la un aparat şi la un procedeu de procesare la distanţă a produselor terapeutice. Aparatul conform invenţiei cuprinde un microcalculator cuplat printr-un router la Internet şi, printr-o reţea locală, cu o tabletă sau un telefon capabil să monitorizeze şi să controleze procesarea produselor terapeutice, utilizând un program de calculator în care se încarcă un fişier ce conţine date de procesare a substanţelor care sunt prelucrate de programul de calculator, şi apoi sunt transmise printr-o magistrală I2C către nişte module slave ce conţin un număr de 16 registre pe 12 biţi, adresabile cu biţi de adresă, datele din fiecare registru comandând câte un generator d