The repellent or the insecticide contains the active substance from the group of pyrethroids, situated in the container of smoke shell. This smoke shell contains a container (1) with the opening (2) to escape a smoke, a smoke-producing flammable mixture and the lighter (3) touch upon the mixture, which is in contact with the active substance and which is carried along by the smoke generated in the area outside of the container (1) . The active substance constitutes from 0.1% to 25% by weight. of smoke generated mixtures.Repelent alebo insekticíd obsahuje účinnú látku zo skupiny pyretroidov, umiestnenú v nádobe dymovnice. Dymovnica obsahuje nádobu (1) s otvorom (2) na únik dymu, horľavú dymotvornú zmes a zapaľovač (3) dotýkajúci sa tejto zmesi, ktorá je v kontakte s účinnou látkou a ktorá je vytvoreným dymom unášaná do priestoru mimo nádoby (1). Účinná látka tvorí 0,1 % až 25 % hmotn. dymotvornej zmesi.