Shears with tensioner and dynamometer device represented by a novel solution in terms of a multi-functional pliers-type tool for adjusting products of the clamp type, in which these pliers are provided with functions of application, tensioning, and cutting/finishing, and in order to obtain better ergonomic conditions for the use of the pliers a novel device for tensioning the metal clamp (2) has been devised, which is composed of a spindle (C) on which is mounted a carriage component with traction pin (E) for the segment (2b) of the metal clamp (2), the carriage sliding along the threaded longitudinal shaft (C1) which in turn has mounted thereon an anatomical rotatable handle (D), wherein, furthermore, a novel device for cutting the segment of the metal clamp is claimed, composed of a pair of cutting blades (b7) and (a7), one such blade at one of the ends of each lever, namely the first lever (B) and the second lever (A), and in particular where the access snout (B6) of the first lever (B) and the slot (A3) of the second lever (A), respectively, are defined, the shears, in addition, including the introduction of the novel device (F) and (G) that indicates the tension applied by the metal clamp on the bone structure, which is particularly useful when the patient is suffering from osteoporosis and, lastly, the necessary safety blocking device (H) is introduced, which prevents actuation of the device for cutting the excess segment of the metal clamp (2).Linvention concerne une cisaille avec dispositif tendeur et dynamomètre représenté par une solution inédite sous la forme dun outil de type pince multifonction pour lajustement de produits du type clamps, cette pince étant dotée de fonctions dapplication, de tension et de coupe/finition. Pour obtenir une meilleure ergonomie dutilisation de la pince, on a mis au point un nouveau dispositif de tension du clamp métallique (2), comprenant un arbre (C) sur lequel est monté un élément chariot avec tige de traction (E) du segm