Suppressor or reducer of photoreceptor sensitivity containing a substance that inhibits or suppresses ubiquitination, for example, protection of retina, suppression of retinal degeneration, suppression of retinal aging and / or suppression of photoreceptor sensitivity Or a reducing agent. The present invention includes, for example, age-related macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, Leber's cataract, Stargardt's disease, cone rod dystrophy, diabetic retinopathy, macular edema, retinal ischemia, photosensitivity seizures, photosensitive epilepsy, mental disorders. , Photomacular disease, eye strain, retinal function deterioration, sleep disorders, migraine, photodisorders, and the like can be preferably used for improving or preventing symptoms associated with photoreception.ユビキチン化を阻害又は抑制する物質を含有する光受容感度の抑制又は低減剤、例えば、網膜を保護、網膜の変性を抑制、網膜の老化を抑制及び/又は感覚過敏を抑制する光受容感度の抑制又は低減剤。本発明は、例えば、加齢黄斑変性、網膜色素変性症、レーベル黒内障、スタルガルト病、錐体桿体ジストロフィー、糖尿病網膜症、黄斑浮腫、網膜虚血、光過敏性発作、光感受性てんかん、精神疾患、光線黄斑症、眼精疲労、網膜機能低下、睡眠障害、片頭痛、光障害などの光受容に関連する症状の改善又は予防等に好適に用いることができる。