1. Apparatus for ophthalmic surgery comprising: an optical radiation source configured to generate a radiation beam, a focusing lens optically coupled to said source and configured to convert the radiation beam into a focused beam of radiation glass contact member, having for the focused radiation beam transmittance not less than 90% and configured to contact the eye, and operated to make a focused radiation beam at its etc. walking through said element wavefront error less than about λ / 2, wherein the focusing lens enables positioning the focal zone of a focused radiation beam having a diameter of not more than 15 microns in the cornea, and an optical means arranged to repeatedly and successively send a focused radiation beam with the focal zone of diameter less than 15 microns to various sites within the operated eyes corneal region for forming the incision in the cornea, when a contact etomsteklyanny e ement comprises a material whose refractive index is to the focused radiation beam 1,500-1,550.2. Apparatus according to Claim. 1, wherein the contact element is a glass linzoy.3. Apparatus according to Claim. 1, wherein the contact element is a glass applanation plate configured for flattening glaza.4. Apparatus according to claim. 3, wherein said plate is ploskoparallelnoy.5. Apparatus according to Claim. 1, wherein the glass contact element has a thickness of about 7 mm or menee.6. Apparatus according to Claim. 1, wherein the contact glass ale1. Аппарат для офтальмологической хирургии, содержащий:источник оптического излучения, сконфигурированный для генерирования пучка излученияфокусирующую линзу, оптически сопряженную с указанным источником и сконфигурированную для преобразования пучка излучения в сфокусированный пучок излучениястеклянный контактный элемент, имеющий для сфокусированного пучка излучения коэффициент пропускания не менее 90% и сконфигурированный с возможностью контактировать с оперируемым глазом и вносить в сфокусированный пучок излучения при ег