these are total feed mixer equipment (10); said equipment (10) is comprised of an ordinarily conical section cargo compartment (11) provided with a cabin (11a) for mounting the mechanical transmission system (st) formed by interconnected belts (12) on gears (12a) and rotated by driving axle (in); Within this load compartment (11) a set of at least three coils is conventionally mounted, all arranged longitudinally (11) of said compartment (11) and comprising one lower (e1) and two upper (e2) and (e3); said equipment (10) is idealized for homogenization of total feed composed of any type of bran such as corn, soybean, minerals or bulky materials such as corn silage, long fiber grass silage or even hay, and can mix the products. individually or in groups, irrespective of their proportion for feed purposes and to provide that the mixing system arranged within the cargo compartment (11) has a horizontal and longitudinal lower axis (e1) disposed on the lower base portion (12) ), with the arc sector (12a) of the compartment (11), which axis (e1) acts in the transport direction (f1) of the feed that is inverted with respect to the transport direction (f2) of the other two helicoids (e2) and (e3) which are also longitudinally mounted in the load compartment (11), parallel to each other and obliquely or angularly (a) relative to the longitudinal horizontal axis (l1) of the compartment. loading.trata-se de equipamento (10) do tipo misturador para ração total; dito equipamento (10) é compreendido por compartimento de carga (11), de seção ordinariamente cônica, provido de cabine (11a) para a montagem do sistema de transmissão mecânica (st) formado por correias (12) interligadas em engrenagens (12a) e rotacionadas por eixo motor (em); no interior deste compartimento de carga (11) é, convencionalmente, montado um conjunto de pelo menos três helicoides, todos dispostos no sentido longitudinal (l1) do dito compartimento (11) e compreendendo um inferior (e1) e outros dois superiores