ХОАР Ричард (AU),СИУ Эдди (AU),ВИДАНАГАМАГЕ ДОН Лочана Субасекара (AU)
1. An apparatus for preparing a frozen dessert, soderzhascheeohlazhdayuschuyu chamber for receiving a mixture of dessert, a sensor module for determining the degree of hardness dessert mixture cooling element arranged to cool the cooling chamber processor module, coupled to the transducer module for receiving a signal indicative of the degree of hardness, wherein the processor unit is adapted to control the operation of the cooling element, the user interface for selecting the desired degree of hardness user, and the choice of the user is used to implement the control cooling elementom.2. The apparatus of claim 1, soderzhascheekorpus having one or more rotating blades wherein the cooling chamber is mounted on the housing the blade is adapted to move the mixture dessert the processor unit is adapted to control the operation of one or more blades in which the users choice is used for additional configuration work lopatki.3. The apparatus according to claim 2, wherein the sensor module performs the drive motor speed monitoring one or more rotating blades for determining the degree of hardness deserta.4 mixture. The apparatus according to claim 2, wherein the sensor module monitors the magnitude of the input power of the drive motor with one or more rotating blades for determining the degree of hardness deserta.5 mixture. The apparatus according to claim 4, wherein the processor unit receives a signal indicating the amount of input power, for controlling the regulator to maintain a constant rotational speed dvigatelya.6. The apparatus according to claim 2, wherein the sensor module about1. Устройство для приготовления замороженного десерта, содержащееохлаждающую камеру для приема смеси десертамодуль датчика для определения степени твердости смеси десертаохлаждающий элемент, выполненный с возможностью охлаждения охлаждающей камерымодуль процессора, соединенный с модулем датчика для приема сигнала, указывающего на степень твердости, при этом модуль процессора выполнен с в