Denne frembringelse vedrører et blomsterkumme system, som er ny ved at bestå af 4 hovedmoduler, som hver i sær indeholder vigtige egenskaber for let pasning af grønne planter til rumudsmykning, og som samlet fremstår som en design mæssig helhed med følgende egenskaber:A. Vandingssystem, giver mulighed for let adgang til langtidsvanding med visuel kontrol af vandstand og vandbehov, uden brug af hjælpemidler.B. Plantekumme indsats, der kan ombyttes uden at skulle udskifte hele plantekummen, såfremt der ønskes anden type plante, tilpasset rummets og årstidens farver.C. Plantekumme svøb, der kan ændres i farver og højder, uden at det går ud over kummens designmæssige helhed.D. Plantekumme sokkel, der design mæssigt er udformet, så det sammen med de øvrige moduler giver et designmæssigt helhed, der samtidigt skjuler hjul, der gør kummen let at flytte ved rengøring og beskytter underlaget.This creation relates to a flower basin system which is new by consisting of 4 main modules, each of which contains in particular important characteristics for easy fitting of green plants for room decoration, and which together appear as a design whole with the following characteristics: A. Irrigation system, allows easy access to long-term irrigation with visual control of water level and water needs, without the use of assistive devices.B. Plant basin insert that can be exchanged without having to replace the entire plant basin if a different type of plant is desired, adapted to the room and season colors. Plant basin wraps that can be changed in colors and heights without compromising the design's overall design. Plant basin socket, which is designed in design, so that together with the other modules it provides a design whole that conceals wheels, which makes the basin easy to move during cleaning and protects the surface.