A super plant absolute technologies, comprising an ultra-transport system total energy of displacements embodied in electromagnetic fluids creep stiffness, cycle bulk power ultra-cycling light fluids by cosmological global gravitational dynamics conforming nullities, energy relativity structures, a relativity energy, a minimum energy balancing, a minimal energy displacement and:a reactor to and from steam generators (SGs) primary coolant loops piping, Regions 1Regions 1, radial inline hot legs from the SG to turbines, condenser units, return to the SGs, cold legs, secondary coolant loops Regions 2a containment, an annex building Regions 3cooling water cycling gravitational field, the hydrosphere Regions 4bulk power electrical distribution Regions 5and opposing global air warming, effecting Heat Rate maximum efficiencies of the ultra-transport system and Regions 1-5 ultra-longevity boundaries an ultra-fluxing, an ultra-conserving the bulk power, the mega bulk power sustaining a boundaries perfection.