An improved version of toothpick is discussed, where a toothpick both straight and angulated is modified by color indicators and pH indictors. At one end of toothpick tip is marked with three different colors i.e. green (tip to 2mm), yellow (2 to 4mm) and red (4- 6mm). These are designated according to the periodontal deepening of gingival sulcus and this color coded toothpick will help to measure the sulcus depth/periodontal health easily. Another end of the toothpick is coated with pH indicator substrate, so that when it"s placed in mouth for few seconds, the color change will indicate the condition of pH. Therefore this combination of two indicator on toothpick i.e. sulcus depth measurement and pH indicator will be a true too tool for evaluating the gingival/periodontal health.