Applications: The invention relates to the field of rabbit and may be used for production of meat and raw material for the fur industry. The essence of the utility model: Structurally minifermy frame for keeping and breeding rabbits made in the form of a prism with a total pitched roof. The cells are arranged inside the frame coaxially one above the other, around a central axis and are trapezoidal in cross section. Rear walls form a space for installation of devices for the collection and disposal of excrement, configured as a rectilinear collecting shaft, the upper portion of which is formed as a ventilation pipe, the bottom is connected with a container for excrements collect, a middle portion thereof communicates with the slanted trays placed under each cage . Cells in each of the tiers delimited between a lateral radial baffles with lazami. The front wall cells are in the form of mesh panels, between which are located feeders Hay, nesting and modules are interlocked in troughs and trough for feed. The module has an opening for the installation of removable inclined pipe for external transitions between adjacent tiers of cells. EFFECT: This minifermy design enables the best use of production facilities, improve the productivity of growing rabbits, improve the taste of meat and commodity-technical quality indicators produced fur.Область применения: Полезная модель относится к области кролиководства и может быть использована для производства мяса и сырья для меховой промышленности. Суть полезной модели: Конструктивно каркас минифермы для содержания и разведения кроликов выполнен в виде призмы с общей скатной крышей. Клетки расположены внутри каркаса, соосно друг над другом, вокруг центральной оси и имеют в сечении трапециевидную форму. Задними стенками образуют пространство для установки приспособления для сбора и удаления экскрементов, выполненное в виде прямолинейной коллекторной шахты, верхняя часть которой выполнена в виде вентиляционной трубы, нижняя соединена