1. Self-propelled sweeper (1) comprising a header (3), at least one hydraulic actuator (5) to adjust the cutting height of the header (3), at least one sensor (10) height, measuring the height of cut, at least one sensor (7) of the pressure measuring fluid pressure in the actuator (5), and a control unit (25) activating the actuator (5) based on the sensor output (10) the height and the sensor (7) pressure, characterized in that the control device (25) is divided into first adjusting th circuit (15) generating a signal (h) a height correction on the basis of the actual height (h) cut measured by the sensor (10) height and the predetermined height (h) cutoff and a second control circuit (17) which is designed to regulate the pressure on the actuator (5) and a predetermined value which varies depending on changes vysoty.2 correction signal. Machine according to claim 1, characterized in that the reaction time of the second control loop (17) is less than the reaction time of the first control loop (15) .3. Machine according to claim 1, characterized in that the second control circuit (17) is designed as a proportional regulyatora.4. Machine according to claim 3, characterized in that the first control circuit (15) is designed as a proportional integral regulyatora.5. Machine according to claim 3, characterized in that the first control circuit (15) can switch between a proportional controller and a proportional integral regulyatora.6. Machine according to claim 4 or 5, characterized in that the first control circuit (15) has an inlet (23) feedback connected to the output of the second control loop (17), and Setup1. Самоходная уборочная машина (1), содержащая жатку (3), по меньшей мере, один гидравлический исполнительный механизм (5) для регулировки высоты среза жатки (3), по меньшей мере, один датчик (10) высоты, измеряющий высоту среза, по меньшей мере, один датчик (7) давления, измеряющий давление рабочей жидкости на исполнительном механизме (5), и управляющее устрой