The chemicals feeder whose quick change to the physiological brine is possible from fill stage of the contrast medium which is the under way is disclosed. This device is used with the medical application perspective image pickup device, image pickup is done fills the liquid medicine to the subject who in the fill device which, the aforementioned fill device have the cylinder and the syringe piston keeping the plural syringes which, respectively becoming independent, vis-a-vis the aforementioned cylinder, it makes face makes move the aforementioned syringe piston control plural piston drives and this piston drive which generates control mechanism and the trigger signal which has with the trigger switch which, as for the aforementioned control mechanism, in order for chemical grouting to be done at plural stages, setting is possible, is set, following to the condition which the under way is the fill stage whichBefore completing, when inspecting the aforementioned trigger signal, stopping the stage which is the under way, it does the control which moves to the stage which differs.進行中の造影剤の注入段階から生理食塩水への迅速な切り替えが可能な薬液注入装置が開示される。この装置は、医療用透視撮像装置と共に使用され、撮像される被験者に薬液を注入する注入装置において、前記注入装置は、シリンダとシリンジピストンを備えた複数のシリンジを保持して、それぞれ独立して、前記シリンダに対して前記シリンジピストンを相対移動させる複数のピストン駆動機構と、このピストン駆動機構を制御する制御機構と、トリガー信号を発生させるトリガースイッチとを備え、前記制御機構は、薬液注入が複数の段階で行われるように設定が可能であり、設定された条件に従って進行中の注入段階が完了する前に、前記トリガー信号を検知したときに、進行中の段階を停止して、異なる段階に移行する制御を行う。