Gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie zdravookhraneniya goroda Moskvy Nauchno-issledovatelskij institut skoroj pomoshchi imeni N.V. Sklifosovskogo Departamenta zdravookhraneniya g. Moskvy
Lvov Ivan Sergeevich,Львов Иван Сергеевич,Lukyanchikov Viktor Aleksandrovich,Лукьянчиков Виктор Александрович,Grin Andrej Anatolevich,Гринь Андрей Анатольевич,Krylov Vladimir Viktorovich,Крылов Владим
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to neurosurgery and may be applicable to the treatment of patients with Kimmerle anomaly. Under the X-ray control, a metal needle is applied perpendicular to the line of the spinous processes of the cervical vertebrae in the region of the projection of the bone ring. Metal needle is applied to the posterior surface of the neck in a parallel way to the line of spinous processes in the Kimmerle anomaly projection. Point of intersection of these needles on the posterior surface of the neck corresponds to the center of the skin incision. Next, a skin incision is made 1–3.5 cm long caudal and cranial than the established point. Dissection of subcutaneous fat and aponeurosis is performed. By a blunt way, the muscle fibers of the trapezius muscle, the semispinal muscle of the head, the large posterior rectus muscle of the head are moved apart. Further, the visualization of the intervention zone is carried out using an operating microscope with a magnification of 4–6 times. To the apex of the bone ring, after a sequential expansion of the muscular canal, a tubular wound retractor is installed by means of the dilator system. Bone ring is skeletonized from all sides. Outer cortex and spongiosa layers of the bone ring are resected from the groove for vertebral artery C1 of the vertebra to the cranial margin of the bone ring. After visualization of the vertebral artery, the remaining part of the bone ring is removed.EFFECT: method allows to reduce the traumatizing of the muscular system of the cervical spine.1 cl, 11 dwgИзобретение относится к нейрохирургии и может быть применимо для лечения пациентов с аномалией Киммерле. Под рентгеновским контролем прикладывают металлическую спицу перпендикулярно линии остистых отростков шейных позвонков в области проекции костного кольца. Прикладывают металлическую спицу к задней поверхности шеи параллельно линии остистых отростков в проекции аномалии Киммерле. Точка пересечения этих спиц на задне