A method for the preparation of a pharmaceutical composition containing a highly purified and thermostable oxygen carrier, the oxygen carrier is non-polymeric crosslinked tetrameric bovine hemoglobin having a beta-beta crosslinking greater than 40%, the method comprising: a) obtaining of whole bovine blood that includes at least red blood cells and plasma; b) separation of red blood cells from plasma in whole bovine blood; c) filtration of the red blood cells that separated from the plasma to obtain a filtered red cell fraction; d) washing the filtered red blood cell fraction to remove impurities from plasma proteins, resulting in washed red blood cells; e) alteration of the washed red blood cells to create a solution comprising a lysate of altered red blood cells; f) filtering to remove at least a portion of the debris that has remained after the lysate; g) extraction of a first hemoglobin solution from the lysate; h) performing at least one purification process to remove one or more of the viruses, retained wastes or protein impurities; i) cross-linking of the first hemoglobin solution by bis-3,5-dibromosalicyl fumarate to form cross-linked hemoglobin in an oxygenated environment of approximately pO2 149mmHg or 760mmHg; j) disposal of any residual chemical; k) heat treatment of crosslinked hemoglobin in a deoxygenated environment; l) removal of the precipitate by centrifugation or filtration to form a clear solution; and m) adding the purified and thermostable crosslinked tetrameric hemoglobin to a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.Un método para la preparación de una composición farmacéutica que contiene un portador de oxígeno altamente purificado y termoestable, el portador de oxígeno es hemoglobina bovina tetramérica reticulada no polimérica que tiene una reticulación beta-beta superior al 40 %, comprendiendo el método: a) obtención de sangre completa de bovino que incluya al menos glóbulos rojos y plasma; b) separación de los glóbulos rojos del plasma en la