Московенко Наталья Владимировна (RU),Рябоконь Дмитрий Селиверстович (RU),Скворцов Валерий Сергеевич (RU),Филиппович Сергей Васильевич (RU),Безнощенко Галина Борисовна (RU)
A method of treating patients with combined pathology internal genitalia and bladder accompanied by pain, which comprises administering into the bladder of drugs and exposure to physical agents, characterized in that the impact on the patients body from the back-side integrated high-frequency electromagnetic field which is formed by sinusoidal signals with carrier frequencies in the range 100-500 kHz amplitude modulated baseband signal with a constantly changing frequency within the range 50-80 00 Hz by a first apparatus, comprising M inductive emitter, the electric field strength at the emitter surface of each should be within 1.0-1.5 V / E act simultaneously on the region of the bladder, uterus, appendages, a high-frequency electromagnetic field, which is formed by a sinusoidal signal with a carrier frequency in the range 200-500 kHz amplitude modulated baseband signal with a constantly changing frequency in the range 50-8000 Hz by a second unit comprising inductive radiative Tel, the electric field strength at the emitter surface should be between 1.0-1.5 V / m, and irradiating pulsed low intensity quasimonochromatic radiation cranes visible and near infrared thereto with a small spectral width, the length of the red emission wavelength of 640 nm length infrared radiation wavelength 940 nm and white light with a broad wavelength spectrum, the total radiation density 2 mW / cm, 100 cm exposure area, pulse frequency 100 Hz, with an optical emitter, which is part of aСпособ лечения больных с сочетанной патологией внутренних гениталий и мочевого пузыря, сопровождающихся болевым синдромом, который включает введение в мочевой пузырь лекарственных средств и воздействие физическими факторами, отличающийся тем, что воздействуют на туловище пациента со стороны спины комплексным высокочастотным электромагнитным полем, которое образовано синусоидальными сигналами с несущими частотами в диапазоне 100-500 кГц амплитудно-модулированным низкочастотным сигналом с постоянно меняющ