The present invention exhibits excellent effects on hair growth, hair loss prevention and hair growth without side effects or toxicity to the human body, and protects the scalp with natural extracts and promotes hair growth by promoting hair growth by keeping the hair healthy. The present invention relates to a composition and a method for preparing the same, comprising: a first agent prepared by mixing purified water; Green Tea Extract, Seaweed Extract, Laminaria Claw Stony Extract, Black Bean Extract, Sewage Root Extract, Bokryeong Extract, Mulberry Bark Extract, Pine Leaf Extract, Mugwort Extract, Turmeric Root Extract, Cypress Extract, Sesame Extract and 1,2-hexane A second agent prepared by mixing diols; A third agent prepared by mixing glycerin, Fiji-60 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Menthol and Flavor; Cappertripeptide-1, H-polypeptide-1, H-polypeptide-9, H-polypeptide-19, H-polypeptide-3, H-oligopeptide-2 is prepared by mixing Fourth agent; It comprises a fifth agent is prepared by mixing the mineral water. The present invention exhibits excellent effects on hair growth, hair loss prevention and hair growth without side effects or toxicity to the human body, protects the scalp with natural extracts and promotes hair growth by keeping the hair healthy and harmless to the human body Using the extract as a main ingredient, there are no side effects, it is excellent in preventing dandruff and hair loss, its effect is continuous, and the pollutants, sebum and Demodex insects, which inhibit the health of hair and scalp, are released to the outside of the scalp. It is clean from the scalp and the inside of the scalp.본 발명은 인체에 부작용이나 독성이 없으면서 발모촉진, 탈모방지 및 모발 성장에 우수한 효과를 나타내며, 천연추출물로 두피를 보호하고 모발을 건강하게 유지시켜 모발의 성장을 촉진할 수 있는 발모촉진 및 탈모방지용 조성물 및 이의 제조방법에 관한 것으로, 정제수가 혼합되어 제조되는 제1제; 녹차추출물, 참미역추출물, 라미나리아 클로우스토니추출물, 검정콩추출물, 하수오뿌리추출물, 복령추출물, 뽕나무껍질추출물, 소나무잎추출물, 쑥추출물, 지황뿌리추출물, 측백나무추출물, 참깨추출물 및 1,2-헥산다이올이 혼합되어 제조되는 제2제; 글리세린, 피이지-60하이드로제네이티드캐스터오일, 멘톨 및 향료가 혼합되어 제조되는 제3제; 카퍼트리이펩타이드-1,