A cell delivery system and method for delivering cells locally to a tissue, body cavity, or joint is described. The cell delivery system comprises a catheter configured to deliver stem cells in a pressure controlled manner. The catheter may comprise an inner bladder and an outer perforated bladder. The inner bladder may be expanded through the use of a pressure conduit in order to deploy a stent. Cells, such as endothelial cells derived from adipose tissue, may be introduced between the inner and outer bladder. The inner bladder may be further expanded in order to exert pressure on the outer perforated bladder to advance the stems cells though the apertures of the outer bladder. The inner bladder may remain pressurized to hold the outer bladder against the vessel wall, thereby directing the stem cells to specific target sites. The system may be used to deliver stem cells with or without other therapeutic agents. The system may be used with or without a stent. The system may further comprise a pressure gauge that permits measurement and regulation of pressure within the catheter.