FIELD: pharmacology.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to coaservate capsules for delivery of odorate or aromatic substances, to the method of producing stable coaservate capsules for delivery of odorate or aromatic substances, to food composition comprising of a coaservate capsule, to compositions for oral care, including the use of coaservate capsules for delivery of odorate or aromatic substances in food products, products for oral care, body care, skin care or household chemical products. A coacervate capsule includes: (a) a nucleus from 10 up to 99% of the mass of capsules, including a mixture of (I) fat component representing (i) hydrogenated oil, or (ii) hydrogenated fat, or (iii) cocoa oil, or (iv) their mixture, and (II) encapsulated material, which is the substance that gives a pleasant taste and/or smell, which includes at least 5 wt % of chemicals, the vapour pressure of which is ≥0.007 PA at 25°C. The mixture has a temperature of Tm, equal to 30°C to 40°C, the ratio between the weight of the fat component and the weight of the encapsulated material is equal to 30:70 to 50:50, and (b) coating layer from 90 to 1% of the weight of capsules, including protein or protein and non-protein polymer, whereas protein gelatine is used, and acacia gum is used as a non-protein polymer.EFFECT: elimination of leakage of the nucleus from the shell, high tensile strength, high loading with the active ingredient.8 cl, 3 dwg, 4 exИзобретение относится к фармацевтической промышленности, а именно к капсуле-коацервату для доставки душистых или ароматических веществ, к способу получения стабильных капсул-коацерватов для доставки душистых или ароматических веществ, к пищевой композиции, включающей капсулу-коацерват, к композиции для ухода за полостью рта, включающей капсулы-коацерваты, а также к применению капсулы-коацервата для доставки душистых или ароматических веществ в пищевых продуктах, в изделиях по уходу за полостью рта, по уходу за телом, по уходу за кожей или в изделиях быт