FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to biomechanics of human motor activity. What is presented is a method for assessing the level of functional conjugation and symmetry of muscular groups. Method is characterized by the following methods: when performing any motor action, polygraphic records of the envelope of the electromyogram on the right and left sides are made. Record is then divided into 10-second segments and the number of EEMG waves is determined in each section. That is followed by determining the number of cases of changing the number of waves in each subsequent segment, in contrast to the previous one, and the number of simultaneous changes in the EEMG and the agonist and antagonist recording channels. Counting is performed simultaneously from right and left sides. Based on the calculations of the changes, the muscle asymmetry coefficients are calculated; asymmetry factors taking into account of intermuscular interactions of the agonist-antagonist; average statistical values of all obtained coefficients. Determining factor is calculated to detect a muscle which influences most asymmetry in certain 10-second measurement interval.EFFECT: invention provides a quantitative assessment of the level of coordination of symmetrical and conjugated muscle groups on the basis of simultaneous polygraphic recording of an electromyogram or an envelope of an electromyogram (EEMG) of the examined muscles, while performing a certain motor action.1 cl, 1 dwg, 1 tblИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к биомеханике двигательной деятельности человека. Предложен способ оценки уровня функциональной сопряженности и симметричности мышечных групп. Способ характеризуется следующими приемами: при выполнении любого двигательного действия осуществляются полиграфические записи огибающей электромиограммы с правой и с левой стороны. Затем запись разделяется на 10-секундные отрезки и в каждом отрезке определяется число волн ОЭМГ. После этого определяются