A shoe comprising an inclination element that defines a gradient orinclination tocorrect pronation issues. The inclination element may be integrally formedwith the shoe'sinsole, the midsole, the outsole, or any combination thereof. The shoe mayfurther comprise awedge member, which may be coupled to the midsole and define another gradientto properlyposition the heel of the foot during foot stride. The insole may also comprisea first cushioningmaterial and a second rigid material. The gradient or gradients may be appliedso as to roll thearches of the wearer's foot outward when walking and thereby correcting thenormal inward ordownward pull of such arches. This gradient may also be applied solely to theheel portion ofthe footwear so as to properly position the heel of a person's foot duringfoot stride therebycorrecting and realigning posture.