A bone anchoring device (14), comprises a receiving part (4) for receiving a rod-shaped implant element (16), the receiving part (4) having: a first bore (42) coaxial with a longitudinal axis and extending from a first end (40) of the receiving part, and a recess (44) extending from the first end to accomplish insertion of the rod-shaped implant element. The device (14) further comprises a bone screw (2, 202) having a threaded section (22) for insertion into the bone and being fixed at or positionable at a second end (41) of the receiving part (4) and a fixation element (8) provided to the first bore (42) to fixate a rigid section (161) of the rod-shaped implant element, wherein the rigid section (161) of the rod-shaped implant element has a first width, and the recess (44) of the receiving part has a second width, the second width being larger than the first width, such that the recess (44) may accommodate a stepped portion (162) of the rod-shaped implant element that has an increased thickness.(Fig. for publication: Figure 2)一種骨骼固定裝置(14),包括容納件(4),以容納桿狀植入元件(16),容納件(4)具有:第一腔孔(42),與縱向軸線共軸,並從容納件的第一端(40)延伸;和凹部(44),從第一端延伸,以完成桿狀植入元件之插入。裝置(14)又包括骨骼螺釘(2,202),有螺紋段(22),供插入骨骼內,並固設或定位於容納件(4)之第二端(41);和固設元件(8),設在第一腔孔(42),以固設桿狀植入元件之剛性段(161),其中桿狀植入元件之剛性段(161)具有第一寬度,而容納件之凹部(44)具有第二寬度,第二寬度大於第一寬度,使凹部(44)可容納桿狀植入元件加厚之階部(162)。2‧‧‧骨骼螺釘4‧‧‧容納件6‧‧‧加壓元件8‧‧‧固設元件14‧‧‧骨骼固定裝置22‧‧‧螺紋段24‧‧‧頭段40‧‧‧容納件第一端41‧‧‧容納件第二端44‧‧‧容納件第一凹部81‧‧‧陽螺紋82‧‧‧固設元件延長部