A bale splitter (1) for mountingon a front end loader arm of a tractor'compris-es a support framework (5) having a pluralityof tines (7) extending transversely therefromfor supporting a cylindrical wrapped bale (2).A pair of carrier arms (15) pivotally coupled tothe support framework (5) carry a cutting blade(20) for splitting the bale (2) and forsimultane-ously cutting wrapping material of the bale (2).The cutting blade (20) is slightly spaced apartfrom the tines (7) for preventing cutting of thewrapping material (4) adjacent the tines (7) sothat the wrapping material remains in onesin-gle integral piece after splitting of the bale (2).A grab (30) comprising jaws (32,33) issup-ported on the support framework (5) to abutthe bale (2) when supported on the tines (7),and for gripping the wrapping material (4)pri-or to operation of the cutting blade (20) forcutting the bale (2). By tilting the bale splitter(1) the split bale is discharged and thewrap-ping material (4) still gripped by the grab (30)is thus separated from the split bale.