FIELD: agriculture.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to liners for teat cup in the milking machine. The bowl-liner (20) comprises a cap (22), a shoulder, a barrel (24), and a short milk tube (26). The cap has an annular wall (30), a substantially circular cross section and an upper surface with an opening for the dug. Between the barrel and the short tube there is a thickened connecting part (28) having an annular recess (60) which communicates with the opening in the bottom of the teat cup. The barrel is connected to the cup and has a channel into which the milk animal dug is placed. The barrel has an upper intermediate part (52) of substantially circular cross section and a lower part (54) of substantially square cross section. At that the upper intermediate part of barrel is connected to the lower end of the shoulder. The angles (64) resist to bending and remain relatively straight. The upper intermediate part of the barrel has a length of about three-quarters of an inch to one and a half inches. The upper intermediate part of barrel is located at a distance approximately three quarters of an inch to one and a half inches from the upper surface of the cup. The upper intermediate part of barrel has a substantially conical shape and tapers downwardly at an angle of three degrees to ten degrees.EFFECT: increased intensity of the milking process, reduction of irritation and tissue damage of animal dug.4 cl, 5 dwgИзобретение относится к вкладышам доильного стакана в доильном аппарате. Чашка-вкладыш (20) содержит колпак (22), заплечник, ствол (24) и короткую трубку для молока (26). Колпак имеет кольцевую стенку (30), в основном круглое поперечное сечение и верхнюю поверхность с отверстием для соска. Между стволом и короткой трубкой находится утолщенная соединительная часть (28), имеющая кольцевую выемку (60), которая соединяется с отверстием в дне доильного стакана. Ствол соединен с колпаком и имеет канал, в который вставляется сосок молочного животного. Ствол имеет верхнюю