FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: method envisages recipe components preparation, carrots, parsley roots and bulb onions cutting, sauteing in vegetable oil and partial straining, potatoes and turnip cutting and blanching, fresh white cabbages shredding and freezing, fish fillet cutting, garlic straining, mixing potatoes, turnip, cabbages and the unstrained parts of carrots, parsley roots and bulb onions to produce garnish, mixing garlic and the stained parts of carrots, parsley roots and bulb onions with fish broth, tomato paste, sugar, salt, black hot pepper and laurel leaf to produce a sauce, the fish fillet, garnish and sauce packing, sealing and sterilisation one additionally uses in the garnish composition scallops that are cut (before mixing) one uses in the sauce composition ground pumpkin seeds extraction cake that is poured with fish broth and maintained for swelling (before mixing) while the components are used at the following expenditure ratio, weight parts: fish fillet - 300 vegetable oil - 30.4 carrots - 134-137.4 parsley roots - 44.6-45.3 bulb onions - 97.9-99.2 potatoes - 133.5-140.8 garlic - 2-2.1 turnip - 107.5 fresh white cabbages - 75 scallops - 89.5 pumpkin seeds extraction cake - 17.9 tomato paste in conversion to 30% dry substances content - 55 sugar - 5.3 salt - 11 black hot pepper - 0.28 laurel leaf - 0.16 fish broth till the target product yield is equal to 1000.EFFECT: method allows to reduce the manufactured target product adhesion to container walls.Изобретение относится к способу выработки консервов "Рыба с овощным рагу в томатном соусе", предусматривающему подготовку рецептурных компонентов, резку, пассерование в растительном масле и частичную протирку моркови, корня петрушки и репчатого лука, резку и бланширование картофеля и репы, шинковку и замораживание свежей белокочанной капусты, резку рыбного филе, протирку чеснока, смешивание картофеля, репы, капусты и непротертых частей моркови, корня петрушки и репчатого лука с получением гарни