A manually operated inhaler for measured doses of medicaments having a body arranged to retain a medicament canister of predetermined configuration for movement of the canister relative thereto, and also a dose counter comprising an incremental counting system for counting doses, the incremental counting system having a main body, an actuator arranged to be driven in response to canister motion and to drive an incremental output member in response to canister motion, the actuator and incremental output member being configured to have predetermined canister fire and count configurations in a canister fire sequence, the canister fire configuration being determined by a position of the actuator relative to a datum at which the canister fires medicament and the count configuration being determined by a position of the actuator relative to the datum at which the incremental count system makes an incremental count, wherein the actuator is arranged to reach a position thereof in the count configuration at or after a position thereof in the canister fire configuration, wherein the incremental output member comprises a ratchet wheel having a plurality of circumferentially spaced teeth, and a counter pawl having a tooth, and the actuator comprises an actuator pawl arranged to engage on teeth of the ratchet wheel, wherein the counter pawl is arranged, in a count position, to finish sliding along a forward surface of one of the teeth and to springily jump over the tooth. The claimed invention provides inhalers having extremely accurate dose counters.Управляемый вручную ингалятор отмеренных доз лекарственных препаратов, имеющий корпус, выполненный с возможностью удерживания контейнера с лекарственным веществом заданной конфигурации и перемещения контейнера относительно него, а также счетчик доз, который содержит инкрементальную счетную систему для подсчета доз, при этом инкрементальная счетная система имеет основной корпус, привод, выполненный с возможностью приведения в движени