The invention relates to a remote control climate control systems and devices in the room can be used for flexible and reliable control systems Climate control in the rooms of any size. The technical result is to increase the efficiency and reliability of the control system for climate control in a room. Remote Control Unit The climate control system includes the room, Wi-Fi transceiver configured to receive wireless communications from the module climate control system indoors TCP protocol data packets containing status information about the climate control system in a room a computing unit configured to decompress the data received TCP protocol packets and extract the information on the status of the climate control system in a room input-output units (I / O), adapted to provide information about the status of the climate control system in a room wherein said I / O modules are configured to assign the desired settings for climate control systems in place wherein said calculation unit is configured to generate data packets for industrial data transmission protocol containing information about the desired parameters, the climate control system in the room, to encapsulate said generated packets of industrial communication protocol data packets in a TCP data to generate control packets of TCP data and the Wi-Fi transceiver configured to transmit the generated control data packets in a TCP protocol module wireless communication system for climate control in a room. 1-yl.Полезная модель относится к устройствам удаленного управления системами управления микроклиматом в помещении и может быть использована для гибкого и надежного управления системами управления микроклиматом в помещениях любого размера. Техническим результатом является повышение эффективности и надежности управления системой управления микроклиматом в помещении. Устройство удаленного управления системой управления микроклиматом в помещении содержит, Wi-Fi приемопередатчик, выполненный с возможностью приним