Constantino Iii Roberto LÖPEZ MACÍAS,Armando ISIBASI ARAUJO
The present invention provides a novel multivalent vaccine for the diseases prevention caused by Salmonella bacteria, in particular, the vaccine prevents typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, non-typhoid salmonellosis and invasive non-typhoid salmonellosis using as immunogenic proteins the outer membrane proteins (porins) of different enteric Salmonella sero-varieties. This vaccine induces an IgG antibody response and its long lasting subclasses capable of recognizing the bacteria. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that in mice immunized with said vaccine, the bacterial burden is significantly decreased in spleen and liver of mice challenged with the serovars Typhi, Typhimurium, Paratyphi-A, and Enteritidis. This vaccine may be an alternative suitable for young men and women just as adults, to protect immunocompromised patients, patients infected with acquired immunodeficiency virus, oncological patients, as well as in children and elderly adults, where the immune system is not completely efficient to address Salmonella infection. In order to protect military personnel and travelers visiting endemic areas, for health personnel exposed to patients or bacteria due to their professional activity, of diseases generated by a large amount of Salmonella sero-varieties.La presente invención provee una nueva vacuna multivalente para la prevención de enfermedades generadas por la bacteria Salmonella, de manera particular, la vacuna previene contra la fiebre tifoidea, fiebre paratifoidea, salmonelosis no tifoidea y salmonelosis no tifoidea invasivas, utilizando como proteínas inmunogénicas las proteínas de membrana externa (porinas) de diferentes serovariedades de Salmonella enterica. Esta vacuna induce una respuesta de anticuerpos IgG y sus subclases e IgM de larga duración capaz de reconocer a las bacterias. Además, se demuestra que en ratones inmunizados con dicha vacuna se disminuye significativamente la carga bacteriana en bazo e hígado de ratones retados con las serovariedades