This Chong Zuo Department Off Yu mono- Seed light-permeables, the Wall Agencies of control Warm make, it includes have Yi You Transverse Jia Rod With Longitudinal Jia Rod Group connect into Wall pedestals, Ji You Transverse Jia Rod With Longitudinal Jia Rod form And row Kong Inter on Wall pedestals, and what upper end Kong Inter Office Let have Guang Installed to set, one of what bottom Kong Inter Office Let have to be set by Gas Chuan Installed, Shui Wall Installed set and Chou Gas Installed Zhi Group at Kong Warm Let Prepare, light Installed is set by the upper end Let of same Wall pedestals to set, Yu Xia Duan Let set Kong Warm Let Prepare, Shi The Over Kong Warm Let Prepare Jin enter the room, and Fabric Full whats Guang Line Jin enter Kong Inter Office immediately by the sky Gas of Inner Yi Tone Festival Warm degree, the Warm Du Fitness Time of the rooms Warm Inner are enable to control the Like states of Yu Fitness When Warm degree.本創作係關於一種可透光、控溫之牆構造,其包含有一由橫架桿與縱架桿組接而成之牆基架,牆基架上藉由橫架桿與縱架桿形成併排之空間,而於上端之空間處設有透光裝置,於最下端之一空間處設有由氣窗裝置、水牆裝置及抽氣裝置組成之控溫設備,藉由同一牆基架之上端設置透光裝置,於下端設置控溫設備,使經過控溫設備進入室內之已調節溫度之空氣立即佈滿於光線進入之空間處,使溫室內之溫度能適時控制於適當溫度的狀態。