The container in order this invention houses the piston for the injector, keeps and/or to convey (below, you call the piston nest) being something regarding, it designates one side aspect of the baseplate and the said baseplate as the opening edge of one side and it penetrates the said baseplate vertically vis-a-vis the said baseplate and makes extend from the surface of the opposite side, or it penetrates the said baseplate vertically or vis-a-vis the baseplate, from the surface of both side of the said baseplate the respective projection it is, it makes the structure which consists of the cylindrical piston housing section. It is more desirable to make the structure which provides the swelling section which swells the portion of the inside perimeter wall surface of the said piston housing section inside. The piston for the injector is housed in the said piston housing section.本発明は、注射器用ピストンを格納し、保管したり搬送するための容器(以下、ピストンネストという)に関するもので、基板と、該基板の片側面を一方の開口端とし該基板に対して垂直に該基板を貫通しその反対側の面から突出させるか、もしくは基板に対して垂直に該基板を貫通し、該基板の両方の側の面からそれぞれ突出さた、円筒状のピストン格納部とからなる構造とする。該ピストン格納部の内周壁面の一部を内側に膨出させた膨出部を設けた構造とするのがより好ましい。該ピストン格納部には注射器用ピストンが格納される。