FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the field of medicine, namely to plastic ophthalmic surgery. For surgical treatment of eversion of the lower eyelid, the lower eyelid is splitted into two plates: musculocutaneous and conjunctival-cartilaginous and the allo graft "Alloplant for eyelid plastics", which is fixed with alco-alleles to the outer and inner ligaments of the eyelid, is put between them. Subsequent formation of the posterior fornix is carried out with the help of mattress sutures with alco-alveolar threads, which pass through the posterior fornix of the conjunctiva along the edge of the orbit through the allograft with fixation on its surface. Moreover, the splitting of the eyelid is carried out to a depth that provides access to the retractor of the lower eyelid, and the mattress sutures through the lower arch of the conjunctiva are carried out with the capture of the retractor, which is fixed by these sutures along the lower edge of the allograft, ensuring pulling the retractor upward. Then the musculoskeletal plate is laid on the allograft and the wound is layer-by-layer sutured.EFFECT: method allows to increase the effectiveness of surgical treatment of the lower eyelid eversion due to the restoration of the anatomical position of the eyelid with the preservation of its motor function and the preservation of the frame function of the Alloplant biomaterial implanted in the thickness of the century which, thanks to its well-known regenerative properties, ensures good adhesion and quality low-injury plasticity of the century.1 cl, 1 dwg, 1 exИзобретение относится к области медицины, а именно к пластической офтальмохирургии. Для хирургического лечения выворота нижнего века проводят расщепление нижнего века на две пластинки: кожно-мышечную и конъюнктивально-хрящевую и введение между ними аллотрансплантата «Аллоплант для пластики век», который фиксируют аллосухожильными нитями к наружной и внутренней связкам века. Последующее формирование нижнего