The present invention relates to a method for automatically manufacturing tapioca balls containing particles therein. Primarily, a material suction mechanism is used to suck up and transfer raw materials in a form of particles to a conveyor belt, and further allow the raw materials to fall into a holding cup assembled on the conveyor belt. Then, a material feeder is used to feed core materials into the holding cup filled up with the raw materials, and the holding cup is further transferred by the conveyor belt to have the core materials and raw materials in the holding cup drop into a reservoir containing gel material therein, so that the core materials and the gel material in the reservoir can be subject to interface condensation to form a calcified thin film layer on surfaces of the core materials as blanks of tapioca balls. Taking the blanks of tapioca balls are further taken out of the reservoir and poured into a container in which a mixture of raw materials is held for interface condensation and molding due to calcification to become finished goods of tapioca balls本發明係有關於一種含酒精口味之波霸粉圓的製造方法,係先製備核心原料及凝膠原料,再將核心原料以滴流方式注入凝膠原料中,以製出波霸粉圓,繼將該波霸粉圓置入清水中,以低溫隔水對該波霸粉圓殺菌,續將該波霸粉圓填充入一容裝有調和原料之包裝袋中,並將包裝袋內氣體抽出後封口密封,藉此簡便製造方法,即可製成本發明之波霸粉圓,以利於大量生產、銷售,符合廣大市場需求,另本發明係將波霸粉圓低溫殺菌,再將包裝袋內抽成真空,依此,以達到長效保鮮效果。