To provide induced pluripotent cell-derived oligodendrocyte progenitor cells for treatment of myelin disorders.SOLUTION: The invention provides a preparation of CD140a/PDGFRα positive cells, where the preparation comprises oligodendrocyte progenitor cells co-expressing OLIG2 and CD140a/PDGFRα, and where the preparation of cells is derived from pluripotential cells derived from skin cells. In a preparation, the preparation of cells is derived from pluripotential cells derived from umbilical cord blood. In a preparation, the preparation of cells is derived from pluripotential cells derived from peripheral blood. In a preparation, the preparation of cells is derived from pluripotential cells derived from bone marrow.SELECTED DRAWING: None【課題】ミエリン障害の治療のための誘導多能性細胞由来オリゴデンドロサイト前駆細胞の提供。【解決手段】CD140a/PDGFRα陽性細胞の調製物であって、調製物が、OLIG2及びCD140a/PDGFRαを同時発現するオリゴデンドロサイト前駆細胞を含み、細胞の調製物が、皮膚細胞に由来する多能性細胞に由来する、調製物。細胞の調製物が、臍帯血に由来する多能性細胞に由来する、調製物。細胞の調製物が、末梢血に由来する多能性細胞に由来する、調製物。細胞の調製物が、骨髄に由来する多能性細胞に由来する、調製物。【選択図】なし