The present invention provides a multifunctional three-dimensional cultivation system, which belongs to the technical field of an agricultural production device, and comprises a shielding structure on the exterior, a cultivation basin located within the shielding structure for crop cultivation, an independent irrigation system, a carbon dioxide supply system, and a temperature control system. The present invention may ensure the entire crop growth process within the shielding structure to prevent from all kinds of contaminations. Moreover, the growth process is operated in full automation to precisely control each step, and also reduce the human resource consumption. The present invention also employs the three-dimensional cultivation to fully utilize the space with smaller area, which is appropriate for the current "an inch of gold for an inch of land" concept, and all the crops are arranged in neat and tidy for the convenience of staffs to operate and manage. The present invention is suitable for crop production with no contamination.本發明提供的一種多功能立體種植系統,屬於農業生產裝置技術領域。包括處於外部的圍蔽結構、位於該圍蔽結構內用於栽種農作物的的種植槽、獨立的灌溉系統、二氧化碳供應系統、溫度控制系統、濕度控制系統。保證農作物的整個生長過程均位於圍蔽結構內,從而避免受到各種污染。並且其生長過程為全自動化操作,對每一個步驟均可做到準確的控制,同時還降低了所耗費的人力資源。同時還使用立體化種植,充分利用空間,佔用面積小,適合當前“寸土寸金”的形式。並且排列有序、整齊,方便工作人員的操作和管理。適用於無污染農作物的生產中。1‧‧‧圍蔽結構3‧‧‧種植區塊平臺4‧‧‧固定間隔架