ПИТКОК Уильям Генри Дж. (US),ГАЛЛИС Карл В. (US),ОФФИДЕНИ Дожн В. (US),ДАРСИЛО Майкл С. (US)
1. Precipitated silica material having an average particle size of 1 to 5 microns and containing an adduct present on at least a portion of its surface, forming a precipitated silica material treated with an adduct that detects a decrease in zeta potential of more than 10 % compared with the deposited material from silicon dioxide of the same structure, but without adduct. ! 2. The precipitated material of silicon dioxide according to claim 1, where the adduct is a metal. ! 3. The precipitated material of silicon dioxide according to claim 2, where the metal is selected from transition metals and post-transition metals. ! 4. The precipitated material of silicon dioxide according to claim 3, where the metal is selected from the group consisting of aluminum, zinc, tin, strontium, iron, copper and mixtures thereof. ! 5. The precipitated silica material according to claim 1, wherein the precipitated adduct-treated silica material exhibits a decrease in zeta potential of more than 15% compared to the precipitated silica material of the same structure, but without the adduct. ! 6. The precipitated silica material according to claim 1, wherein the precipitated adduct-treated silica material exhibits a decrease in zeta potential of more than 20% compared to the precipitated silica material of the same structure, but without the adduct. ! 7. The precipitated silica material according to claim 1, wherein the precipitated adduct-treated silica material exhibits a decrease in zeta potential of more than 25% compared to the precipitated silica material of the same structure, but without the adduct. ! 8. A dentifrice containing precipitated silica material treated1. Осажденный материал из диоксида кремния, имеющий средний размер частиц от 1 до 5 мкн и содержащий аддукт, присутствующий по меньшей мере на части его поверхности, образующий осажденный материал из диоксида кремния, обработанный аддуктом, который обнаруживает снижение дзета-потенциала более чем на 10% по сравнению с ос