Skvortsov Moisej Borisovich,Скворцов Моисей Борисович,Kozhevnikov Mikhail Aleksandrovich,Кожевников Михаил Александрович
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to surgery, and can be used in the treatment of patients with secondary stenosis of the esophagogastric anastomosis with reflux-anastomositis after proximal resection of the stomach. For this, the pyloric and prepiloric sections of the stomach and the initial part of the duodenum 3 cm in length are isolated and mobilized. Duodenum is crossed 3 cm below the pylorus with suturing its lumen. Stomach is crossed 3 cm above the pylorus, the altered hypertrophic pylorus is removed. Mobilize the distal end of the crossed small intestine in the caudal direction, crossing one pair of radial vessels for 20 cm. Then the mobilized portion of the small intestine is carried behind the transverse colon through the window in the mesentery of the transverse colon. Then, the crossed end of the small intestine is aligned with the stomach stump and a straight gastrointestinal anastomosis is applied with double-row sutures. Sew the defect in the mesentery of the transverse colon and fix the margins of the mesentery with sutures to the stomach stump above the gastrointestinal anastomosis.EFFECT: method provides restoration of esophageal and gastrointestinal function with maximum preservation of trophism of the digestive tract due to application of certain surgical technic, which allows to improve the evacuation function from the stomach, eliminate reflux of bile in the stomach, stop reflux-esophagitis, reflux gastritis due to the elimination of pylorospasm and gastrostasis.1 cl, 6 dwg, 1 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к хирургии, и может быть использовано при лечении пациентов с вторичным стенозом пищеводно-желудочного анастомоза с явлениями рефлюкс-анастомозита после проксимальной резекции желудка. Для этого выделяют и мобилизуют пилорический и препилорический отделы желудка и начальную часть двенадцатиперстной кишки длиной 3 см. Двенадцатиперстную кишку пересекают на 3 см ниже привратника с ушиванием ее прос