The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a tank mix, which comprises the step of bringing into contact a formulation of a pesticide, water and a tank mix adjuvant, where the tank mix adjuvant contains alkyl polyglucoside and a base selected from carbonate and / or phosphate, and an aqueous liquid that contains at least 50 g / l of a base; or as a solid, in the form of particles, which contains at least 10% by weight of a base. The invention also relates to the use of a tank mix adjuvant for increasing the effectiveness of a pesticide, where the tank mix adjuvant contains an alkyl polyglucoside and a base selected from carbonate and / or phosphate, and where the tank mix adjuvant is present in the form of an aqueous liquid that contains at least 50 g / l base, or in the form of a solid substance in the form of particles, which contains at least 10 wt.% base; an adjuvant tank mix that contains an adjuvant, an alkyl polyglucoside and a base selected from carbonate and / or phosphate, where the adjuvant of the tank mix is present as an aqueous liquid that contains at least 50 g / l base; an adjuvant tank mix that contains an adjuvant, an alkyl polyglucoside and a base selected from carbonate and / or phosphate, where the adjuvant of the tank mix is present as a solid substance in the form of particles that contains at least 10% by weight of the base; and to a method for controlling phytopathogenic fungi and / or unwanted vegetation and / or an undesirable attack of insects or mites and / or to a method for regulating the growth of plants, where the tank mixture is allowed to act onНастоящее изобретение относится к способу изготовления баковой смеси, который содержит стадию приведения в контакт препаративной формы пестицида, воды и адъюванта баковой смеси, где адъювант баковой смеси содержит алкилполиглюкозид и основание, выбранное из карбоната и/или фосфата, и где адъювант баковой смеси присутствует в виде водной жидкости, которая содержит по меньшей