Die Erfindung betrifft die Generierung einer Projektionsbildsequenz mittels einer beweglichen Strahlenquelle (Q) und einem beweglichen Detektor (D) für die Rekonstruktion eines Objektes (O) aus mittels des Detektors (D) erfassten Bildern des Objekts (O). Dabei werden Trajektorien für Quelle (Q) und Detektor (D) zur Aufnahme von Projektionen des Objektes (O) entlang dieser Trajektorien erzeugt. Diese Trajektorien umfassen jeweils zwei Abschnitte (TQ, TD, TQ+, TD+), nämlich einen Abschnitt (TQ, TD), der zumindest teilweise um das Objekt herumführt, und einen anderen (TQ+, TD+), der geradlinig ist.The method involves generating trajectories for sources (Q) and a detector (D) for recording projections of an object along the trajectories, which comprise portions. One of the portions is passed around the object, where the other portion is rectilinear and the sources and the detector describe an opposite movement in the former portion. The sources and the detector are moved into a same direction in the latter portion. A reconstruction of the object is made, and a truncation of projection data of the rectilinear section is made. The source and/or the detector are arranged at a ceiling stand. Independent claims are also included for the following: (1) a device for generating a projection image sequence by a movable radiation source and a movable detector for reconstruction of an object from an image detected by the detector (2) a computer program having a set of instructions for executing a method for generating a projection image sequence (3) a computer program product having a set of instructions for executing a method for generating a projection image sequence.