This invention discloses a multi-factor remote user authentication card-device (12) in the form factor of a prior art one-factor of "what you have"security card. The multi-factor card-device has innovative features thatenable this one card-device itself to function and accomplish a multi-factorremote user authentication of "what you know", "what you have", "where youare" and "what you are", to a network. This invention discloses fourembodiments of the card- device (12). In one embodiment (10A), one card-deviceof this invention enables two-factor authentication of "what you have" and"what you are". In another embodiment (10B), one card-device (12) of thisinvention enables two-factor authentication of "what you know" and "what youhave". In another embodiment (10C), one card-device (12) of this inventionenables three-factor authentication of "what you know", "what you have", and"what you are". In yet another embodiment (10D), one card-device (12) of thisinvention enables four-factor authentication of "what you know", "what youhave", "where you are", and "what you are". The authentication logic (51)dynamically facilitates the use of multi- factor authentication so that itdynamically adjusts what factors are applicable for specific securityapplication enabling a universal remote authentication device. Theauthentication system provides additional means of security assurance that aidin authentication based on time and location.