КАЛЛИ Эдвард Х. (US),ДАНКЭН Джеффри Б. (US),ПАДЖЕТ Дуглас С. (US),РЭДСПИННЕР Рейчел (US),ШОУ Эдвард Е. (US),ВОНЕШ Майкл Дж. (US)
1. A device for feeding into a vessel, comprising: an internal expandable element; an detectable drug supply component comprising a layer filled with a drug by infusion and connected to an internal expandable element, wherein the internal expandable element and the external drug supply component are capable of being turned inside out. A device according to claim 1, wherein the external component of the drug supply is configured to deliver the therapeutic agent while pumping the internal expandable member to a threshold equal to a pressure that is less than 137.9 kPa (20 psi) above ambient pressure. The device according to claim 1, wherein the layer filled with the drug by infusion contains a lumen for infusion and a ventilation gap, while there is the possibility of at least partial infusion of the therapeutic agent into the layer filled with the drug by infusion, until part of the therapeutic agent leaves ventilation clearance. 4. The device according to claim 1, wherein the layer filled with the drug by infusion contains a capillary material. The device according to claim 1, wherein the layer filled with the drug by infusion contains a polytetrafluoroethylene membrane with open pores and a large number of nodes. The device according to claim 1, wherein the layer filled with the drug by infusion contains an infusion path defined by at least one suture. The device according to claim 1, wherein the outer component of the drug supply further comprises an outer barrier layer comprising a polymer film, wherein1. Устройство подачи в сосуд, содержащее:внутренний расширяемый элемент; инаружный компонент подачи лекарственного средства, содержащий слой, наполняемый лекарственным средством путем инфузии, и связанный с внутренним расширяемым элементом,при этом внутренний расширяемый элемент и наружный компонент подачи лекарственного средства выполнены с возможностью выворачиваться наизнанку.2. Устройство по п. 1, в котором наружный компонент подачи лекарственного средства выпо