1. A method for determining the weight of an agricultural bale formed in the baler, the method comprising: determining own weight (W) of the empty baler while the baler when stored on a flat surface is formed bale in the baler determining weight of the total of the baler from the baler and a completed bale (W), calculating the weight (W) directly bale, where Wr = WW emit bale from the baler and determined weight (W) of the empty baler calculated cosine slope angle , which is under the press orschik (COS A), wherein COS A = W / W and calculating the actual weight (W) of the bale, where W = W / COS A.2. A method of weight determination according to claim agricultural bale. 1, comprising the further step of reporting the actual weight of the bale press to the operator podborschika.3. . A method for determining the weight of the agricultural parcel according to claim 1, wherein the controlled Wdlya compensate for the reduction of weight of wrapping material consumed during the formation of the bale, comprising the additional steps of: determining the proportion of wrapping material (W) in one of the units of weight per unit area of the mesh and film units of weight per unit length for the twine determine the width (M) of the material, if Wizmeryaetsya in units of weight per unit area, determine the diameter (B) a completed bale define the number (N) of revolutions of wrapping mater iala used to bale calculated weight (W) of wrapping material consumed per bale, wherein one of the, W = P * (B / 2) * M * N * Wdlya mesh film and W = P * (B / 2) * N * Wdlya twine and calculating a new own weight (W ) of the empty baler, where W = WW.4. A method for determining the weight of the agricultural parcel according to claim. 3, comprising the further step of1. Способ определения веса сельскохозяйственного тюка, формируемого в пресс-подборщике, содержащий этапы на которых:определяют собственный вес (Wt) пустого пресс-подборщика в то время, когда пресс-подборщик находится на ровной