The device in order to generate the aerosol includes, the capillary which at least possesses one bend (20) with, the fluid entrance (20a and b) with, the fluid entrance and the territory where the wall thickness which at least one bend is arranged with decreases and, the exit where at least it parallels to one bend (20c) with. The capillary, the volatilization fluid being discharged from the exit, in order to form the aerosol, although it volatilizes the fluid of the capillary, is heated to sufficient temperature.< Selective figure >Figure 2エーロゾルを発生させるための装置は、少なくとも1つの湾曲部を有する毛細管(20)と、流体入口(20a、b)と、流体入口と少なくとも1つの湾曲部との間に配置された壁厚が減少した領域と、少なくとも1つの湾曲部に沿った出口(20c)とを含む。毛細管は、揮発流体が出口から排出されてエーロゾルを形成するように、毛細管の流体を揮発させるのに十分な温度まで加熱される。【選択図】図2