FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine and can be used both in preventing pain symptoms caused by locomotor dysfunctions, and in a complex of medical and preventive health improvement measures. For this purpose, client is pre-examined. Then the client is laid on a table and stage-by-stage action on interosseous membranes and diaphragms of a body is performed at simultaneous performance of oscillatory movements by limbs at each stage of exposure to disappearance of pain from this influence. First stage is started with the effect on the interosseous membrane of the shin by simultaneous compression of the operator with two palms alternately of the muscles of the right and left shin of the client towards the table towards each other with the simultaneous client's oscillating movements of knees of the bent leg to the right and to the left without detaching the feet from the table. At the second stage, the pelvic membrane is exposed by compression of the gluteus medius muscle. At the third stage, the urogenital diaphragm is exposed by compressing the muscles in the lower abdomen. At the fourth stage, treating a cephaloplegia by compressing the chest muscles, wherein at all stages of action on diaphragms client simultaneously performs oscillatory movements of knees of bent legs to the right and left without detaching feet from table. At the fifth stage, an interosseous membrane of the forearm is exposed by alternate compression of muscles of the right and left forearms towards the table towards each other with simultaneous client's oscillatory movements with a hand.EFFECT: method provides an effective therapeutic effect on the human body with simultaneous reduction of the number of sessions and time between them due to a certain sequence of stages of action on specific structures.1 cl, 2 exИзобретение относится к медицине и может быть использовано как при профилактике болевых симптомов, вызванных дисфункциями опорно-двигательного аппарата, так и в комплекс