Are placed in the coronary sinus via the inferior vena cava, and a blood removal catheter to blood removal from the body blood coronal sinus, the blood removal catheter and the rear rear shaft linear distal shaft having a bent shape at the tip end of the end shaft is connected, the hub is connected to the rear end of the rear shaft, and having a blood removal lumen extending to the tip from the rear end of the blood removal catheter and has a first straight portion, a first curved portion following the first straight portion, a second curved portion following the first curved portion, the distal shaft to the second line following the second curved portion consists of a part, and a third curved portion following the second linear portion and a third linear portion following the third curved portion, the opening of the equivalent diameter 1.8mm or on the tip side of the vertex of the second curved portion There is provided at least one, equivalent diameter in the circumferential direction of the cross blood removal lumen venous catheter is 1.8mm or more over the entire length of the blood removal lumen.下大静脈を経由して冠状静脈洞に配置され、該冠状静脈洞内の血液を体外へ脱血する為の脱血カテーテルであって、前記脱血カテーテルは直線状の後端シャフトと前記後端シャフトの先端側に屈曲形状を有する先端シャフトが接続され、前記後端シャフトの後端側にハブが接続されており、前記脱血カテーテルの後端から先端まで延在する脱血ルーメンを有しており、前記先端シャフトは第1直線部と、前記第1直線部に続く第1曲線部と、前記第1曲線部に続く第2曲線部と、前記第2曲線部に続く第2直線部と、前記第2直線部に続く第3曲線部と、前記第3曲線部に続く第3直線部からなり、前記第2曲線部の頂点より先端側に相当直径1.8mm以上の開口部が少なくとも1つ以上設けられており、前記脱血ルーメンの円周方向断面における相当直径は前記脱血ルーメンの全長にわたって1.8mm以上である脱血カテーテル。