A process for resistance to nitrobacteria, sulfur fluoride solutions, and carbamato and diphenyl (pyrethroids) of parathion for some pathogens, used in liquid Biofertilizers, in the form of edific and / or foliar
The present application provides a method for a charity microbial complex to resist trace carbohydrate in thiodiphenyl ether and synthetic pyrethroid in bifendrin. During the five-year study, the strain changed its physical environment without manipulating its genome, and adapted to the increase of the content of thiodiphenyl and biphenyl. This compound enriches and increases the concentration of charitable microorganisms used to produce high quality liquid fertilizers,It can be used for agricultural production, land restoration and conservation, but it must conform to the parameters stipulated by sustainable organic agriculture. The purpose of sustainable organic agriculture is to conserve, restore and use the nature or environment, while minimizing the adverse effects. The application of these liquid Biofertilizers can bring favorable load of particles to the soil, absorb nitrogen from the air for plants to use, so that the phosphorus in the soil can be dissolved into p8322283; or 832424 can be added or converted into p832222; or 832525 can be absorbed by plants; and microorganisms with resistance to some pathogens,The soil is recovered from degradation by charitable bacteria that extract organic matter from the cell wall. It is important to note that the microorganisms in our consortium are neither genetically altered nor pathogens of humans, animals or plants.La presente solicitud proporciona la metodología para que un consorcio de microorganismos benéficos se haga resistentes a las trazas de carbamatos contenidos en tiodicarb y a las trazas de piretroides sintéticos contenidos en bifentrina. Durante el desarrollo de esta investigación, realizada por un período superior a los 5 años, las cepas se someten a un cambio del medio físico, sin manipular el genoma, adaptándolas a tolerar concentraciones crecientes de tiodicarb y bifentrina. Este compuesto enriquece y aumenta la concentración de microorganismos benéficos, que son utilizados en la producción de bioabonos