1. An image processing device (IP), including: an input unit (IU) for receiving a stream (A) of frames, the stream of frames being received during the distribution through the object of interest of a volume of contrast medium, the volume of the contrast medium passing through many interesting areas (ROIa-c) and perfuses the corresponding sets of regions of interest (ROIa-c) as the volume of the contrast medium spreads through the object; a registration unit (RU) configured to register the plurality of frames in the preoperative reference image data set, the reference image set including segmentation corresponding to at least one of the regions of interest (ROIa-c); an identifier (ID) configured to identify at least one of the regions of interest (ROIa -c) a main frame obtained at a time when the concentration of the volume of the contrast medium in the at least one region of interest (ROIa-c) exceeds a predetermined threshold; an associator (AS) configured to associate tion of at least one of the regions of interest (ROIa-c) with the identified main frame, thereby forming an associative data structure of ROI-frame; an output unit (UIC) configured to generate a user interface (GUI) based on said associative data structure, the user interface, when displayed on the screen, allowing the user to select at least one of a plurality of areas of interest (ROIa-c), moreover, the output unit in response to the mentioned selection controls the screen so as to display the main frame,1. Устройство обработки изображений (IP), включающее в себя:блок ввода (IU) для приема потока (A) кадров, причем поток кадров получают во время распространения через интересующий объект объема контрастного вещества, причем объем контрастного вещества проходит походящего через множество интересующих областей (ROIa-c) и перфузирует соответствующие множества интересующих областей (ROIa-c) по мере того, как объем контрастного вещества распространяется через объект;блок регистрации (RU), выполненный с во