The method of the invention is characterized in that in the first phase the device installation is filled with processed liquid product, yielding a low pressure zone and then the processed liquid product is introduced under high pressure into the cavitation process, where moving at a rate of not less than 3 m/s and under pressure of not less than 20 bar is introduced to the cavitation and rotation location of the separated streams of the processed liquid product, which rotating in the further part, in the longitudinal axis of the cavitator, move in the opposite directions, resulting in differential pressure leading to cavitation process with effects characteristic for sterilization and homogenization with heterogeneous parameters, wherein in the next phase a separation takes place into a liquid product, which has a particle size larger than 600 nm and a liquid product which has a particle size smaller than 600 nm, wherein the liquid product of larger particle size is directed to cooling and complementary cavitation reprocessing, and the liquid product of smaller particle size is subjected to particle size analysis control, by which the liquid product, which meets the preset parameters, is directed to the finished product acceptance, and the liquid product which does not meet the acceptance criteria is sent to the next reprocessing.