The circular scrubber of plant remains on the attachment tools of the machines consists of two concentrically upright rollers (1, 2) that, together with their rotation, help to distribute the plant mass evenly next to the working attachment machinery, and to a large degree goes underground. In this way, the working machine consumes much less fuel than the previous solutions because the biomass was attached to the vertical parts of the attachment machines (plow) and thus slowed down and even disable the working machine to pull the working assembly. The biggest savings and best results are achieved when each vertical part that comes in contact with the ground is lined with concentric rollers. The savings also refer to the time period for which it is necessary to cultivate a certain area of land. Due to the assembly of the machine, the biomass that comes in contact with the rollers generally ends up below the surface of the soil that has just been sampled, thus improving the quality of the soil, and the savings are related to a smaller amount of mineral fertilizer to be scattered on the arable land.Kružni čistač biljnih ostataka na priključnim oruđima mašina predstavlja dva koncentrično uspravno postavljena valjka (1, 2) koji zajedno svojim rotiranjem doprinose da se biljna masa ravnomerno raspoređuje pored radne priključne mašine i u velikoj meri odlazi pod zemlju. Na ovaj način pogonska mašina troši mnogo manje goriva u odnosu na ranija postojeća rešenja jer se biomasa kačila za vertikalne delove priključne mašine (pluga) i time usporavala i čak onemogućava pogonsku mašinu da vuče radni sklop. Najveća ušteda i najbolji rezultati postižu se kada je svaki vertikalni deo koji dolazi u dodir sa zemljom obložen sa koncentričnim valjcima. Ušteda se odnosi i na vremenski period za koji je potrebno obraditi određenu površinu zemlje. Biomasa koja dolazi u dodir sa valjkovima, zbog sklopa mašine uglavnom završava ispod površine zemlje koja je tek uzorana, i time se poboljšava