The assembly of device for quitting tobacco is designed so that after dropping the essential oil on the cotton felt (5) positioned on the substance carrier (3), it is placed in the base or skeleton (2). The axle and skeleton (2) are then closed with a head (1), where the key (4), which at the same time passes through the lateral holes on the base or skeleton (2), as well as through the lateral holes on the head (1), prevents the falling of the elements positioned in the base or skeleton (2). By means of withdrawal of air on the one side or the other side of the device for quitting tobacco, is generated air circulation which absorbs the medicinal ingredients of the highest quality from essential oil of medicinal plants from the cotton felt (5), and the inhalation itself suppresses desire for tobacco.Sklop naprave za odučavanje od duvana konstruisan je tako da se po nakapavanju eteričnog ulja na pamučni filc (5) koji se nalazi na nosaču supstanci (3) postavlja u osnovu ili skelet (2). Osovina i skelet (2) se zatim zatvaraju glavom (1), gde ključ (4) koji u isto vreme prolazi kroz bočne otvore na osnovi ili skeletu (2), kao i kroz bočne otvore na glavi (1) onemogućava ispadanje elemenata koji se nalaze u osnovi ili skeletu (2). Povlačenjem vazduha sa jedne ili druge strane naprave za odvikavanje od duvana dolazi do cirkulacije vazduha koji iz pamučnog filca (5) upija lekovite sastojke najkvalitetnijeg eteričnog ulja lekovitih biljaka, i samim udisanjem dolazi do suzbijanja želje za duvanom.